Arini result UPSR kuar kan?
Cousin aku sorang dapat 4A 1B, sorang dapat 3A 2B...
Congrats ye to both of you...Muhd Azri Zahiruddin bin Zulkifli + Muhd Afiq Ashraff bin Khalil...
Perjalanan korang masih jauhhhh lagik...even upsr tak berapa nak score tapi's still have a big opportunity to u...bagi aku upsr tak berapa nak penting kot...yang penting adalah spm...
Tak macam aku nih...memula je scorer last2 scorotttt...hahahahaha
akk lak mcm gunung..
alhamdulillah..sampai gak kemenara gading..hehehe..
anak buah akak pun ada gak amik upsr nie..xtaw la camna resultnya..huhhhuhhuhu...
congratulations to them both!
dear sueanne,
xpe2 kak, yg pnting berjaya ke menara gading...hihi
dear purple,
hope dia ok =)
dear ayu,
tq kak...
congrats to both...
tul tu yang, they still have a looooooooonnnnggg way to go!
Tq kak...longgggggg journey to face...
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