My birThDaY...

Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker



Tuesday, April 07, 2009


ohhhh!my classmate like cupcakes so muchhhhh!dgr je ada jual cupcake, lajuuu je dia nak beli...sanggup oh g the curve nun...

nie cupcakes yg jual kat campus aku...tak ada la cedap sgt...biasa2 sajork...sesuai la ngan regenya kan...

then we ols g the curve...of course la aku mau follow bila dorg tny aku kan...hiks!

nie la cupcakes nya...kedai dia kat tepi2 tuh u ols...kat pintu msk the curve tuh...cane ntah aku nak elaborate...aku bknnya pakar nau hal2 the curve tuh...but beware of the cupcakes here...ada yg contains alcohol...

wei!yg ktorg amik nie tak ada la alcohol tuhhh...

zati with her buddy...

kojah~redz~(alamakkkk!aku lupe la nama dia)...sowyyyyyy!!

redz tuh la yg gle2 cupcakes tuh...same gak ngan zati...

redz, besday u nnti i bg cupcakes yg murah2 je la ek...u pun tak bg pape kat i...ok la tuhhhh...lariksssssssss =P

eh eh, jumpa artis la kat cni...kata dulu kat melodi tak smoking upenya...apakah???

next entry ya...


eddie dewanaga said...

huh, sapa dia artis tu Kojah..?

kojah said...

dear anak pandang,
ok, nnti saya akan bermuzakarah di sana...tungguuuu =)

dear eddie,
sabau la...

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