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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

OnE dAy at KuaLa PiLaH...

tgk signboard ye spt tertera....actually g open house serisubuh aka x-rumate dlu...g open house ni, sy tompang la sorg aunty nie...ingtkn ain's aunty...upe2nya tidakkkk...xpe la...dpt save dak?hehe

nmpk x lg bp km?

ni la aunty's husband...he is a doctor...juz call him doctor hassan...anymore can view his blog at doctor associated with his medical career in Canada since 1990, researching on medicinal plants, and its potential to ease so many health problems facing humankind. Now both couple founded the company which is Nile Herb. Their mission is to help peoples to solve some of there health problems.

sy terpaksa la speaking with idak la teman tau sumenya...harus la his wife yg tlg translate utk sy...hehe

ni la aunty marina...sorry ye, pic dpn2 xdok...lom jd excellent paparazzi lagik...

ni lak on day way nk g kuala la snap ngah buhsan2 kn...tpppp kn pompuan tu kn ngah pegang beg, klu laaaaa da peragut, how ek??


my frenz ni otak buss tau...skang ni ngah mengusahakan tanaman...bagOs tau...ain, i support u!anyone who want to buy anythings about organic herbs, can view this >

anuty marina with her husband...

skenya tgk dak ni mkn =)

pe putih2 tuh??takutttt...larikssssss!

fuh!!super duper rajin la...adik sy?ohhhh tidak!!!!...leh wat bakal adik ipar sy xda adik pompuan cane ek??haha


ni la nursery ye u olssss...bkn yg jaga budak2 tau...ingt!

nursery lagik

gaya pe tgh2 hutan nih?haha

best gle g open house nie...rindu lak suasana kg ms sy kt penang dulo2...mana x ye, mak kwn sy ciap bungkus makanan bagai...malu acik sy bg la duwet ry kt adik2 dia...*ain, utk awk xda ye...hehe superb la!even dorg xda la kaya cm angelina jolie (tetibe artis ni lak kn) tue, tp sgt baekkk ati okeyh...susah nk dpt family cm dorg nih...ciap ajk dtg nnti klu ada musim durian...korg ada ajk kojah??hehe of course la dorg ada pokok2 durian sume kn...thanx so much ok ats layanan n makanan yg diberikan =)

thanx also to aunty marina n her husband...ciap dpt air kotak lagik...muahahaha best gle kn?padahal br 1st time knl...

*ain's family, dtg la uma sy plak tau!


Mr. mAmI J said...

Oit macam kenal je bdk rajin tu.

kojah said...

la....npe xleh view page ko?wat private ke?xbesh la cmnih!~

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